Revolutionising NHS patient care: the C2-Ai and Highland Marketing partnership

How C2-Ai raised national awareness for impact on NHS waiting lists

The healthcare landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the integration of advanced technologies and strategic marketing expertise. The partnership between C2-Ai, a trailblazer in healthcare AI solutions, and Highland Marketing, a communications expert in the healthcare sector, epitomises this shift. Their collaboration has not only introduced groundbreaking AI applications within the NHS but also underscored the importance of nuanced communication in facilitating technology adoption.

Embarking on a transformative journey

At the heart of this partnership was a shared goal: to make C2-Ai’s complex AI tools accessible and compelling to a diverse audience. “We needed to articulate the value of our complex technologies in a way that was understandable,” noted Steve Barnett of C2-Ai, highlighting the initial challenge of communicating sophisticated AI benefits to the healthcare community and beyond.

Highland Marketing’s expertise in healthcare communications was pivotal. “The goal was to increase awareness, drive engagement, and ultimately support the NHS in improving patient care and operational efficiency,” Barnett added, underscoring the mission that brought these two entities together.


  • Communicating complex solutions: One of the primary challenges was simplifying the technical jargon associated with AI technologies to make C2-Ai’s solutions accessible to a non-specialist audience.
  • Cutting through the noise: The healthcare sector is inundated with technological solutions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Standing out among numerous offers of help to the NHS was crucial.
  • Establishing credibility and trust: For AI in healthcare, proving efficacy and gaining the trust of healthcare professionals is essential. C2-Ai needed to demonstrate not only the potential of AI but also its practical benefits in real-world settings.

Overcoming challenges through strategic collaboration

The path was fraught with obstacles, from demystifying AI technology to distinguishing C2-Ai’s offerings in a crowded market. “Cutting through the noise, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, was crucial,” Barnett reflected on the challenge of making C2-Ai’s solutions stand out.

To address these challenges, storytelling and media engagement became key strategies. Real-world impacts and patient stories were shared to humanise the technology and demonstrate its tangible benefits. “Storytelling…focused on patient stories and case studies to humanise the technology,” said Dr. Mark Ratnarajah of C2-Ai, illustrating the approach taken to make the benefits of AI relatable.

Highland Marketing’s role in positioning C2-Ai’s experts as thought leaders was also crucial. “Through targeted media outreach…we positioned C2-Ai’s experts as authoritative voices in healthcare innovation,” highlighted the strategic efforts to build credibility and trust in AI technologies.

Strategies and implementation

  • Strategic storytelling: Highland Marketing crafted narratives around C2-Ai’s impact, focusing on patient stories and case studies to humanise the technology and demonstrate real-world benefits.
  • Media engagement and thought leadership: Through targeted media outreach and the cultivation of thought leadership, Highland Marketing positioned C2-Ai’s experts as authoritative voices in healthcare innovation.
  • Collaborative approach: The partnership leveraged both teams’ expertise, working closely with NHS stakeholders and integrating feedback from healthcare providers to refine and adapt messaging.
Revolutionising NHS Patient Care: The C2-Ai and Highland Marketing Partnership
Revolutionising NHS Patient Care: The C2-Ai and Highland Marketing Partnership

Achieving impactful results

The collaboration yielded significant achievements, including increased awareness and engagement with C2-Ai’s solutions. “The strategic communications approach led to heightened awareness across the healthcare sector,” Barnett proudly noted, marking the success of their joint efforts.

Moreover, the partnership played a pivotal role in shifting perceptions about AI in healthcare. “By focusing on outcomes and patient stories, we successfully illustrated the tangible benefits of AI,” Ratnarajah added, reflecting on the importance of humanising the technology.


  • Increased awareness and engagement: The strategic communications approach led to heightened awareness of C2-Ai’s solutions across the healthcare sector, resulting in increased engagement from potential NHS partners.
  • Demonstrated value of AI: By focusing on outcomes and patient stories, C2-Ai and Highland Marketing successfully illustrated the tangible benefits of AI in healthcare, contributing to a shift in perception regarding the utility and reliability of AI technologies.
  • Strategic partnerships: The campaign facilitated meaningful conversations with key stakeholders, leading to pilot projects and the adoption of C2-Ai’s solutions in several NHS trusts.

A model for future innovations

The partnership between C2-Ai and Highland Marketing serves as a powerful model for introducing complex technological solutions in healthcare. By leveraging innovative technology and expert communication strategies, they have not only facilitated the adoption of AI within the NHS but also set the stage for future innovations.

As Barnett summarised, “Working with Highland Marketing has been absolutely fundamental to the success that we’ve had,” underscoring the value of this strategic partnership. Ratnarajah concurred, “Any growing small company needs to surround itself with friends… and Highland Marketing has supported us with, fundamentally understanding what we’re about.”

This collaboration between C2-Ai and Highland Marketing highlights the transformative potential of combining technological innovation with strategic marketing expertise in healthcare. Their success story not only accelerates AI adoption within the NHS but also provides a blueprint for future initiatives aiming to revolutionise patient care through technology.

Revolutionising NHS Patient Care: The C2-Ai and Highland Marketing Partnership
Revolutionising NHS Patient Care: The C2-Ai and Highland Marketing Partnership
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Revolutionising NHS patient care: the C2-Ai and Highland Marketing partnership
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