Nicola is a digital transformation consultant and chief information officer who has worked in both the NHS and the wider public sector. She is on the HeathCare Executive Committee at the IET, strategic advisor (health and education) for the Immersion Group, and is co-founder and managing director, on a pro-bono basis, of Tech4CV19.
Tech4CV19 is a volunteer group of health tech leaders set up to support the health and care sectors during the coronavirus emergency. It is now looking to make sure that technology plays a role in longer term social and economic recovery.
“This will be a great opportunity to engage with other colleagues and contribute to the thinking and understanding, and to shape the new direction digital healthcare is taking,” Nicola says. “I’m especially keen to maintain momentum around designing and delivering solutions that are patient centric and data driven”.
Nicola is an engineer by background providing digitally enabled solutions across a wide selection of industries from concert halls to offshore platforms. She has also worked across the public sector where her analytical, digital information and leadership skills were employed to enable transformation projects ranging from unitary authorities through to universities. In 2016 she then joined the NHS as chief information officer at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Nicola subsequently held a number of NHS CIO and transformation posts, including chair of both the Yorkshire and Humber PSN Partnership Board and the LHCRE Co-Design Authority, Digital Director of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System and CIO of Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
Her background means that she brings broad, public sector experience to the advisory board’s discussions, as well as a knowledge of the different digital challenges faced by acute trusts, mental health trusts, social care and the emerging integrated care services that will be central to the future of health and care delivery.