Protecting your reputation

Comprehensive crisis communications support

A crisis can emerge at any moment, threatening to harm your organisation’s reputation and disrupt business operations. Effective crisis communications are essential to managing these situations swiftly and efficiently, ensuring that your stakeholders remain informed and your brand is protected. Without a prepared plan, the consequences can be severe, including long-term reputational damage and financial loss.

Highland Marketing understands the critical importance of being prepared for any crisis. Our comprehensive crisis communications support ensures that your organisation is equipped to handle any situation with confidence. We help you anticipate potential issues, develop robust response strategies, and maintain clear, consistent communication with all stakeholders during a crisis.

Why work with Highland Marketing?

Our crisis communications process

At Highland Marketing, we have developed a meticulous and proactive approach to crisis communications. Our process is designed to ensure your organisation can respond swiftly and effectively to any crisis, minimising potential damage and maintaining stakeholder trust.

We start by identifying and establishing a crisis management team tailored to your organisation’s specific needs. This team includes senior executives, public relations experts, and legal advisors, ensuring all aspects of the crisis are managed effectively.
  • Identification and briefing

    We identify key personnel from within your organisation who will form the core crisis management team. We then conduct detailed briefing meetings to ensure everyone understands the nature of the potential crisis, the specific risks involved, and the roles they will play in addressing it.
  • Internal coordination

    We facilitate internal briefings with relevant staff to ensure seamless communication and coordination. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and understands their responsibilities and the communication protocols to be followed during the crisis.
A well-structured communication plan is crucial for managing crisis communications effectively. Our team develops comprehensive communication strategies to guide your organisation through the crisis.
  • Message development

    We craft clear and consistent messages tailored to different audiences, ensuring that your organisation’s responses are coherent and effective. These messages are designed to address the concerns of internal stakeholders, media, customers, and the public.
  • Stakeholder mapping

    We create detailed maps of all stakeholders, identifying key individuals and groups that need to be communicated with. This includes internal stakeholders (employees, management), external stakeholders (customers, partners), and the media.
  • Preparedness documents

    We prepare essential documents to ensure your team is ready to respond at a moment’s notice. These include holding statements for immediate release, media responses, Q&A sheets to address common questions, and social media guidelines to manage online communications effectively.
Proper training and regular briefings are essential to ensure your team can handle crisis communications efficiently.
  • Spokesperson training

    We provide specialised training for key spokespeople, ensuring they can handle media inquiries and public statements with confidence and accuracy. This training covers effective communication techniques, message delivery, and managing difficult questions.
  • Staff briefings

    We conduct thorough briefings for all relevant staff, making them aware of the situation and equipping them with the knowledge they need to handle and direct inquiries appropriately. This ensures that everyone in the organisation is prepared to contribute to the crisis response.
Effective crisis management requires robust notification and monitoring systems to stay ahead of developments and respond promptly.
  • Notification systems

    We establish systems to quickly update and mobilise your crisis management team and key stakeholders through multiple communication channels. This ensures that critical information is disseminated rapidly, allowing for swift action​.
  • Monitoring systems

    We set up comprehensive monitoring processes to gather intelligence and track what is being said about the incident across all communication channels, including social media, news outlets, and internal communication platforms. This enables your team to respond proactively and reactively to evolving situations.
After the crisis, it’s vital to review the response and identify lessons learned to improve future preparedness.
  • Evaluation

    We conduct a detailed analysis to understand what worked well and what could be improved. This involves assessing the effectiveness of the communication strategies, the efficiency of the response team, and the overall impact on the organisation’s reputation.
  • Reporting

    We compile our findings into a comprehensive report that provides actionable insights and recommendations for enhancing your crisis management strategies. This report will help inform future preparedness efforts, ensuring your organisation is better equipped to handle any crises that may arise.

Tailored crisis communication services

Highland Marketing provides a range of bespoke crisis communication services designed to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you are prepared for any crisis and can respond effectively to protect your reputation and maintain stakeholder trust. 

We start by identifying and establishing a crisis management team tailored to your organisation’s specific needs. This team includes senior executives, public relations experts, and legal advisors, ensuring all aspects of the crisis are managed effectively.

Risk assessments

We conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities within your organisation. This includes reviewing existing risk materials, conducting structured interviews with leadership, and auditing current communication channels​.

Mitigation plans

Based on our risk assessments, we develop robust mitigation plans to minimise potential exposure and provide clear steps for responding to issues as they arise. This includes creating a risk register with prioritised risks and responsible owners.

Critical issues response plan

We produce a detailed response plan that outlines the lines of control, action checklists, and immediate remedial actions needed to address critical issues swiftly and effectively.

When a crisis occurs, having a well-developed plan is only the first step. Our team is ready to assist in the deployment of your crisis communication plan to ensure a coordinated and effective response.

Activation of communications

We help activate the various communications and processes that have been established, including responding to media inquiries, managing social media comments, and providing regular updates to stakeholders.

Media and social media management

Our team handles all media and social media interactions, ensuring that your organisation’s messages are consistent, accurate, and timely. We prepare key spokespeople for media interviews and provide guidance on handling difficult questions.

Regular briefings

We organise daily briefings with the crisis communications team and key stakeholders to keep everyone informed about the situation’s development and the actions being taken

We offer extensive training and scenario planning services to ensure your team is well-prepared to handle any crisis situation.

Spokesperson training

Our training programs are designed to equip your key spokespeople with the skills and confidence needed to communicate effectively during a crisis. This includes handling media inquiries, public statements, and internal communications.

Scenario planning workshops

We facilitate scenario planning workshops to help your team practice and prepare for potential crisis situations. These workshops include “what if” scenarios and war-gaming exercises to test response strategies and improve preparedness.

Staff training

We provide comprehensive training for all relevant staff, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities during a crisis. This includes training for helpline staff and those responsible for handling inquiries from various stakeholders.

Our services include setting up advanced notification and monitoring systems to ensure rapid response and continuous monitoring during a crisis.

Notification systems

We establish multi-channel notification systems to quickly update and mobilise your crisis management team and key stakeholders. This ensures timely communication and coordination during a crisis.

Monitoring systems

We set up comprehensive monitoring systems to gather real-time intelligence and track communications across all channels. This includes monitoring social media, news outlets, and internal communications to stay ahead of developments and respond proactively.

Get prepared today​

We understand that a proactive approach to crisis communications is essential for safeguarding your organisation’s reputation. Our comprehensive crisis management services are designed to ensure you are always ready to respond swiftly and effectively. 

Don’t wait for a crisis to strike—take the first step towards robust crisis preparedness and response by contacting us today.

When things go wrong, good communications can get you back on track

When things go wrong, keeping quiet isn’t an option. What you say, and how you say it, are the key to safeguarding your reputation. In this blog, Highland Marketing’s co-founder, Mark Venables, looks at communicating in a crisis.